
Showing posts from April, 2017

3 Challenges to Help You Get Leaner Without Dieting

Sick of dieting? Tired of counting calories? I sure am! I've spent the last 9 months experimenting on myself with the help of a Precision Nutrition Coach. So I wanna share THREE of the things that have really worked for me: • LEVEL UP YOUR COFFEE GAME Coffee is delicious. And connoisseurs have been refining it (and adding crap to it) for centuries! In a single cup of coffee, you can travel to South America, Africa, or Asia. If you have coffee every day like I do, the things you're adding to your coffee may be adding to your waistline. Why not experiment with leaving it out? But instead of framing this goal as "stop putting milk and sugar in my coffee," why not think of it as an experiment to "find and enjoy the perfect cup of black coffee"? Words matter, and I often find myself resisting when I'm told to STOP doing something. But I love a challenge! Some Sample Numbers: 2 T Half & Half = 52cals 2 tsp sugar = 30cals 82 cals x 2 coffees x 7 days =1148