Stupid People Suck

Current mood: aggravated 
Category: Life

Monday night as I was walking home from rehearsal at the Lyric, I was hit by a car in the crosswalk at Dearborn and Washington. A woman in a white Lexus finally slammed on her brakes and came to a stop in the crosswalk when I slammed my hands down on her hood. She gave me a dumb look as though she was surprised to find a person in the crosswalk while she had a red light she had planned to ignore. I'm fine--thanks for asking!

 My heart pounding in my throat, I continued down the street.

 When I reached the bus stop on Michigan Avenue, I waited 15 minutes for the next bus, and when it arrived a woman elbowed her way around me and five other people in front of me to get in line for the bus. I wanted to ask her, when I finally got on the bus, what made her feel that she was more important than the other people who had patiently waited in line to get on the bus. Why do some people feel so entitled? We're all paying $2 for the ride! If you're too good for the bus, call a cab!


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