How Tacky

Current mood: annoyed 
Category: Life
Every year, my condo building takes up a collection to be given to the maintenance and office staff as a Christmas bonus. This year, they have posted in the lobby a THANK YOU card to those who contributed--signed by the staff--AND they have listed who contributed to the fund!

I was unable to contribute this year due to constraints on my budget, and I imagine there are many unemployed, disabled and elderly people in the building who also could not contribute due to limited income. It feels as if this letter was posted to shame those who did not contribute in front of their neighbors. Surely those who did give would have felt amply thanked by a simple note addressed "to those who contributed to the holiday fund" and there was no need to list each one individually. Omission from the list feels like a "Shame, shame, you didn't contribute."

How tacky.


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