The Fabulous Life of an Unemployed Person Visiting His Parents

Wednesday morning I got up early (jet lag made that easy) and unpacked all of my bags and boxes. I packed all of my dirty laundry into one bag, and packed another bag of gifts I would take home. For $26 (compared to $41 for Amtrak) I'd booked a MegaBus to Toledo. I hopped on the 151 bus around 1:30 and soon I was looking around Union Station for the MegaBus dispatch. A Union Station employee informed me that MegaBus was being sued for the use of the Union Station name, and he was not allowed to give me any information. I called Vinnie at work, who looked up further details on the internet, and told me I could catch my bus on Canal Street, 300 feet south of Jackson. It was true, and soon I was on a beautiful double-decker bus to Toledo. They dropped me off in the parking lot of the Southwyck Shopping Mall in Toledo, and my family picked me up there. We stopped by Applebee's for a snack, and soon I was snuggled up in the 2nd most comfortable bed I've seen in months (mine being the first, where I slept on Tuesday night--how great is my pillowtop!?!)

Yesterday, I got up, went over to see my nephews, had a phone interview with a recruiter, went out to Mexican food for dinner with the family, and watched the season premieres of The Office and ER with my siblings. Then I stayed up late continuing my quest to watch the first season of Six Feet Under (I bought the whole series in Beijing for 240 RMB and decided that I could probably make it through the whole show in the 10 days I'm home with my family!)


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